二手AOI 在线AOI 离线AOI 二手光学检测设备 二手PCB板检测 焊接检测
深圳市世纪远景电子设备有限公司 专业供应二手AOI:
NEXSCIEN-HV-5000TC 离线式二手AOI光学检测仪
日本cyclone M200 二手AOI
以色列奥宝Orbotech vt-9300E 二手AOI
美国(Teradyne) Optima 7200 二手AOI
欧姆龙Omron VT-RNS 二手AOI
美国Anilent安捷伦 SJ10 二手AOI
类 别 项 目 HV-5000TC HV-5000TLC HV-5000TXLC
识别系统 检查方式 256度灰阶& RGB 彩色检查
照 明 3 级控制(level high sensitive), LED 照明
相 机 200万像素彩色相机(130万像素可选)
FOV (Field of View)
大小 /分辨率 1.3mega 20.0㎜х15.0㎜(15/Pixel),14.0㎜х10.0㎜(10/Pixel)
2.0mega 24.0㎜х18.0㎜(15/Pixel),16.0㎜х12.0㎜(10/Pixel)
检查时间 0.2秒/ FOV
结构系统 PCB 大小 最 小 50㎜х50㎜ 50㎜х50㎜ 50㎜х50㎜
最 大 330㎜х250㎜ 460㎜х400㎜ 620㎜х500㎜
PCB 厚度 0.4㎜ ~ 4.0㎜
PCB 适用范围 上 面(top) 25㎜
下 面 25㎜
边缘(edge) 3㎜
PCB 跷曲可允许误差 ±2㎜以内
检查范围 元件范围(R/C Chip) 0402㎜ (200万像素) packages 以上
IC 类 0.3㎜ (脚距) pitch以上
软 件 运行系统 Microsoft Windows XP
最大存储容量 10,000 种类型以上 (硬盘容量限制以内)
最大检查容量 10,000 FOV /类型别
外 观 电源供给 AC220V, ±10%, 单相 10A (50/60HZ)
设备尺寸 (宽х深х 高) ㎜ 750x1,100x1,250 850x1,350x1,250 1,000х1,050х1,150
重 量 120㎏ 130㎏ 130㎏
象牙白 (PANTONE 1C)
PCB板尺寸:50×50mm2 to 500×380 mm2
相机分辨率 :33um/square pixel
可选择:16,20,25um/square pixel
面板厚度:min:0.6mm max:5.0mm
检测区域:max:500×400mm min:50×75mm
日本cyclone M200 二手AOI
以色列奥宝Orbotech vt-9300E 二手AOI
ORBOTECH是一家以色列企业,总公司位于以色列首都以南 70 里的, Orbotech 在美国纽约上市,其 13 个重点分公司及超过 30 个技术支持中心遍布于美洲,欧洲及亚太区,由直属之三个地区总部管理。
为配合亚洲印制板业的迅速增长,Orbotech 早于 1987 年已开始直接进行销售及客户服务。透过在香港的亚太区总部及在香港、新加坡、台湾及南韩的分公司提供快捷有效的支持服务给当地客户,包括:硬件维修、软件应用、技术咨询及因应个别客户的要求而制定的方案等。
PCB AOI 产品 有 PC/SK,Vison(Laser) Sprion/In-Spire, Discovery,Fusion系列
曝光机系列:Paragon8800, X-press, Ultar-Paragon
Fusion系列的型号为:Fusion 22.
Vintage : SEP 2004
Specifications ( See Details above for installed options )
*Boards Inspected:
Post-solder SMT, through-hole and mixed technologies
*Number of CCD Cameras:
13 Cameras
*Fault Coverage:
Component placement accuracy in X, Y and Q, missing components,
component polarity, insufficient or excess solder, tombstone and
billboard components, dry joints, coplanarity, shorts, lifted
leads, blow holes (wave solder)
Advanced 3-D imaging utilizing multiple top and angled CCD sensors
and two different resolutions for high-speed and high-resolution
Multiple level and directional Xenon flash lighting array; closed
loop illumination control.
*Components Inspected:
All chip components (including 0201)*, all leaded devices down to
0.4 mm fine-pitch and below. Many odd-form components including
edge connectors, coils etc.
*High Speed Mode:
FOV size 50 x 37 mm (1.97 x 1.46 in.), pixel size 55 x 44 microns
*High Resolution Mode:
FOV size 11.0 x 8.0 mm (0.43 x 0.31 in.), pixel size 25 x 20 microns
*Scan Speed: Up to 26.5 cm2/sec (4.01 in2/sec)in High Speed Mode
*Max Board Size:
508 x 380 mm (20 x 15 in.) Optional 508 x 457 mm (20 x 18 in.)
*Max Board Height:
Top: 50 mm (2 in.); bottom: 80 mm (3in.)
W 1115 x D 1180 x H*** 1400 mm (W 43.9 x D 46.4 x H 55.1 in.)
400 Kg (880 lbs)
*Available Options: (Request for installed options)
QPC? - Real-time SPC software
OptiGraf? Line monitoring & reporting software
PC2M? - Process Control and Calibration Module
OCV - Optical Character Verification
GFR? - Gerber Format Reader for offline programming of Gerber-based data
Barcode scanner
High speed handler unit
Off-line programming station
In-line, automated repair station
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The VT-RNS is a renaissance of AOI providing high-level inspection performance with advanced SMT for revolutionary network-compatible, next generation inspection machine.
Omron VT RNS 'S' (post reflow) model can be easily configured to perform three different types of printed circuit board inspections, making the VT RNS a very flexible machine: from just one version (S model) the machine can be used to inspect PCBs at either post paste, post placement or post solder stages.
The VT-RNS is one of the only systems currently available to offer true color based inspection of printed circuit board by using Omron patented Color Highlight Technology. This unique illuminationue improves inspection accuracy and its system software reduces operator programming time.
Utilizing the VT-RNS for Final Assurance allows no defects to escape to the next process (minimizing defects) and collecting processing information (supporting process improvements).
One Key to Success…..
VT-RNS utilizes Omron’s patented Color Highlight Technology to identify the shape of the solder joint leaving the rest of the colors of the substrate and component undisturbed. This patented system allows the VT-RNS to detect minute flaws that would ordinarily be missed.
Omron VT RNS model can be easily configured to perform three different types of printed circuit board inspections, making the VT RNS a very flexible machine that can be used to inspect PCBs at post paste, post placement or post solder stages.
Post solder (S model): RNS can be set up to automatically inspect both post reflow and post wave printed circuit board assemblies.
Post placement (Z model): with a simple software change, RNS can be used to inspect 'placed or mounted' components prior the soldering process.
Post paste (P model): for 2D paste inspection, this version of the machine can be set up through a simple software change
Patented three color highlight AOI technology
Data analysis function
User-friendly software and installation
OCV function
Network compatible
Lead-free enabled
Integrated Hardware Specifications
Switching settings enables the VT-RNS-P/Z to be used as a post-printing and post-replacement inspection machine. Switching the settings enables the VT-RNS-S to be used in post-printing, post-replacement, and post-reflow processes.
美国(Teradyne) Optima 7200 AOI
Teradyne's Optima 7200 monitors placement e to minimize defects, boost yield, and cut repair costs while matching the line beat rates required for high-volume production
Greater yield
Unparalleled repeatability
Reduced repair time and expenses
Reduce WIP and repairs
Reduced number of repair systems required for high-speed SMT lines
Comprehensive defect detection and process monitoring of SMT component placement
美国Anilent安捷伦 SJ10 AOI
Automatic Optical Inspection Configurable for Post Reflow, Pre-Reflow
and Mixed Applications
Software System:Windows NT^(TM) 4.0 with GUI and password protected user
Speed of operation 20cm2/sec (3.2in2/sec)
Camera Specs: Pixel Size 25 -- 28 micron (Adjustable)
Field of View: 32mm x 25.6mm -- 38.4mm x 30.7mm
Board Specs:
Bottom Clearance: 50mm
Top Clearance: 45 mm
Max. belt temperature 80C
Camera:Large area digital CCD camera.
Electronic shutter.
Optics: telecentric gauging lens
Lighting Head with Multiple Lighting Rings
Serial No. ***** 2001
图像信号输入部分 摄像头 3CCD摄像头
照明系列 环状LED(RGB)
分别率 10,15,20UM
机构部分 传送方式 皮带传送方式
生产线高度 900+-15mm
轨道宽度 自动条款
基板固定方式 外部固定
气压 0.4-0.6mpa
重量 500KG
外形尺寸 700*900*1600
检查对象基板 尺寸 50*50-333*255
厚度 0.3-2.5mm
检查项目 原件偏移,极性,缺件,原件错装,焊球,角度偏移,桥接,异物
检查个数 10000元件/板